# Data Model With the forthcoming standard [FM301], which is a subset of [CfRadial2.0], as a basis for the xradar data model we can take full advantage of [Xarray] and the whole software stack. We facilitate {py:class}`xarray:xarray.DataTree` to bundle the different sweeps of a radar volume into one structure. These sweep datasets are essentially {py:class}`xarray:xarray.Dataset` which contain metadata attributes and variables ({py:class}`xarray:xarray.DataArray`). ## DataTree The DataTree consists of one global root group and several sweep groups. Optionally, groups containing parameter and calibration can be part of the datatree. Internal representation: {py:class}`xarray:xarray.DataTree` ## Global Scope / Root Group This group holds data and metadata relevant to the entire volume. These are: - attributes - ancillary variables Internal representation: {py:class}`xarray:xarray.Dataset` ## Sweep Groups Each of the sweep groups contains data and metadata belonging to a specific sweep. These are: - dimensions - coordinates - ancillary variables - dataset variables Internal representation: {py:class}`xarray:xarray.Dataset` ## Dimensions - time - range - frequency - prt, optional ## Coordinates - time - range - frequency Internal Representation: {py:class}`xarray:xarray.DataArray` ## Ancillary Variables - sweep_number - sweep_mode - follow_mode - prt_mode - fixed_angle - azimuth - elevation Internal Representation: {py:class}`xarray:xarray.DataArray` ## Dataset Variables - DBZH, radar_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_h - DBZV, radar_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_v - and many more, see {class}`xradar.model.sweep_dataset_vars` Internal Representation: {py:class}`xarray:xarray.DataArray` [CfRadial2.0]: https://dx.doi.org/10.5065/fy2k-x587 [FM301]: https://wmoomm.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/wmocpdb/EVcEDwHwf6FJtB6anuyBH3QBgA5bE_Uz9jI4FaSkAyowSg?e=jcazi4 [Xarray]: https://docs.xarray.dev [xarray-datatree]: https://xarray-datatree.readthedocs.io