Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, openradar developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more info.



This sub-module contains the ODIM_H5 xarray backend for reading ODIM_H5-based radar
data into Xarray structures as well as a reader to create a complete datatree.Datatree.

Code ported from wradlib.


    import xradar as xd
    dtree =

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/



__all__ = [

__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import datetime as dt
import io
import warnings

import h5netcdf
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from xarray import DataTree
from xarray.backends.common import (
from xarray.backends.file_manager import CachingFileManager, DummyFileManager
from xarray.backends.locks import SerializableLock, ensure_lock
from import StoreBackendEntrypoint
from xarray.core import indexing
from xarray.core.utils import FrozenDict, is_remote_uri
from xarray.core.variable import Variable

from ... import util
from ...model import (
from .common import (

HDF5_LOCK = SerializableLock()

def _calculate_angle_res(dim):
    # need to sort dim first
    angle_diff = np.diff(sorted(dim))
    angle_diff2 = np.abs(np.diff(angle_diff))

    # only select angle_diff, where angle_diff2 is less than 0.1 deg
    # Todo: currently 0.05 is working in most cases
    #  make this robust or parameterisable
    angle_diff_wanted = angle_diff[:-1][angle_diff2 < 0.05]
    return np.round(np.nanmean(angle_diff_wanted), decimals=2)

def _get_azimuth_how(how):
    startaz = how["startazA"]
    stopaz = how.get("stopazA", False)
    if stopaz is False:
        # stopazA missing
        # create from startazA
        stopaz = np.roll(startaz, -1)
        stopaz[-1] += 360
    zero_index = np.where(stopaz < startaz)
    stopaz[zero_index[0]] += 360
    azimuth_data = (startaz + stopaz) / 2.0
    azimuth_data[azimuth_data >= 360] -= 360
    return azimuth_data

def _get_azimuth_where(where):
    res = 360.0 / where["nrays"]
    return np.arange(res / 2.0, 360.0, res, dtype="float32")

def _get_fixed_dim_and_angle(where):
    dim = "elevation"

    # try RHI first
    angle_keys = ["az_angle", "azangle"]
    angle = None
    for ak in angle_keys:
        angle = where.get(ak, None)
        if angle is not None:
    if angle is None:
        dim = "azimuth"
        angle = where["elangle"]

    # do not round angle
    # angle = np.round(angle, decimals=1)
    return dim, angle

def _get_elevation_how(how):
    startel = how.get("startelA", False)
    stopel = how.get("stopelA", False)
    if startel is not False and stopel is not False:
        elevation_data = (startel + stopel) / 2.0
        elevation_data = how["elangles"]
    return elevation_data

def _get_elevation_where(where):
    return np.ones(where["nrays"], dtype="float32") * where["elangle"]

def _get_time_how(how):
    return (how["startazT"] + how["stopazT"]) / 2.0

def _get_time_what(what, where, nrays=None):
    startdate = _maybe_decode(what["startdate"])
    starttime = _maybe_decode(what["starttime"])
    # take care for missing enddate/endtime
    # see
    enddate = _maybe_decode(what.get("enddate", what["startdate"]))
    endtime = _maybe_decode(what.get("endtime", what["starttime"]))
    start = dt.datetime.strptime(startdate + starttime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    end = dt.datetime.strptime(enddate + endtime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    start = start.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc).timestamp()
    end = end.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc).timestamp()
    if nrays is None:
        nrays = where["nrays"]
    if start == end:
        import warnings

            "xradar: Equal ODIM `starttime` and `endtime` "
            "values. Can't determine correct sweep start-, "
            "end- and raytimes.",

        time_data = np.ones(nrays) * start
        delta = (end - start) / nrays
        time_data = np.arange(start + delta / 2.0, end, delta)
        time_data = np.roll(time_data, shift=+where["a1gate"])
    return time_data

def _get_range(where, odim_version=None):
    scale = 1000.0
    if odim_version == "ODIM_H5/V2_4":
        scale = 1.0
    ngates = where["nbins"]
    range_start = where["rstart"] * scale
    bin_range = where["rscale"]
    cent_first = range_start + bin_range / 2.0
    range_data = np.arange(
        cent_first, range_start + bin_range * ngates, bin_range, dtype="float32"
    return range_data, cent_first, bin_range

def _get_time(what, point="start"):
    startdate = _maybe_decode(what[f"{point}date"])
    starttime = _maybe_decode(what[f"{point}time"])
    start = dt.datetime.strptime(startdate + starttime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    start = np.array(start.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc)).astype("<M8[s]")
    return start

def _get_a1gate(where):
    return where["a1gate"]

class _H5NetCDFMetadata:
    """Wrapper around OdimH5/Gamic data fileobj for easy access of metadata.

    fileobj : file-like
        h5netcdf filehandle.
    group : str
        odim group to acquire

    object : metadata object

    def __init__(self, fileobj, group):
        self._root = fileobj
        self._group = group
        self._how = None
        self._what = None
        self._where = None
        self._dim0 = None
        self._fixed_angle = None

    def coordinates(self):
        # additional metadata which might come in handy in the future
        # do not forward a1gate and angle_res for now
        # a1gate = self.a1gate
        # angle_res = _calculate_angle_res(locals()[dim])
        # az_attrs["a1gate"] = a1gate
        # if dim == "azimuth":
        #     az_attrs["angle_res"] = angle_res
        # else:
        #     el_attrs["angle_res"] = angle_res

        coordinates = {
            "azimuth": self.azimuth,
            "elevation": self.elevation,
            "time": self.time,
            "range": self.range,
            "sweep_mode": self.sweep_mode,
            "sweep_number": self.sweep_number,
            "prt_mode": self.prt_mode,
            "follow_mode": self.follow_mode,
            "sweep_fixed_angle": self.sweep_fixed_angle,
            "longitude": self.longitude,
            "latitude": self.latitude,
            "altitude": self.altitude,
        return coordinates

    def first_dim(self):
            "xradar: use of `first_dim` is deprecated, please use `dim0` instead.",
        if self._dim0 is None:
            self._dim0, self._fixed_angle = self._get_fixed_dim_and_angle()
        return self._dim0

    def dim0(self):
        """Get name of first dimension."""
        if self._dim0 is None:
            self._dim0, self._fixed_angle = self._get_fixed_dim_and_angle()
        return self._dim0

    def get_variable_dimensions(self, dims):
        dimensions = []
        for n, _ in enumerate(dims):
            if n == 0:
            elif n == 1:
        return tuple(dimensions)

    def site_coords(self):
        return self._get_site_coords()

    def how(self):
        """Get how-group attributes."""
        if self._how is None:
            self._how = self.grp["how"].attrs
        return self._how

    def what(self):
        """Get what-group attributes."""
        if self._what is None:
            self._what = self.grp["what"].attrs
        return self._what

    def where(self):
        """Get where-group attributes."""
        if self._where is None:
            self._where = self.grp["where"].attrs
        return self._where

    def _get_odim_version(self):
        version = self._root.attrs.get("Conventions", "None")
        return version

    def _get_site_coords(self):
        lon = self._root["where"].attrs["lon"]
        lat = self._root["where"].attrs["lat"]
        alt = self._root["where"].attrs["height"]
        return lon, lat, alt

    def azimuth(self):
        """Return azimuth Variable."""
        return self._azimuth

    def elevation(self):
        """Return elevation Variable."""
        return self._elevation

    def time(self):
        """Return time Variable."""
        return self._time

    def range(self):
        """Return range Variable."""
        range_data, cent_first, bin_range = self._get_range()
        range_attrs = get_range_attrs(range_data)
        return Variable(("range",), range_data, range_attrs)

    def longitude(self):
        """Return longitude Variable."""
        return Variable((), self._root["where"].attrs["lon"], get_longitude_attrs())

    def latitude(self):
        """Return latitude Variable."""
        return Variable((), self._root["where"].attrs["lat"], get_latitude_attrs())

    def altitude(self):
        """Return altitude Variable."""
        return Variable((), self._root["where"].attrs["height"], get_altitude_attrs())

    def sweep_fixed_angle(self):
        """Return sweep_fixed_angle Variable."""
        if self._fixed_angle is None:
            self._dim0, self._fixed_angle = self._get_fixed_dim_and_angle()
        return Variable((), self._fixed_angle)

    def sweep_mode(self):
        """Return sweep_mode Variable."""
        sweep_mode = "azimuth_surveillance" if self.dim0 == "azimuth" else "rhi"
        return Variable((), sweep_mode)

    def sweep_number(self):
        """Return sweep_number Variable."""
        return Variable((), self._sweep_number)

    def prt_mode(self):
        """Return prt_mode Variable."""
        return Variable((), "not_set")

    def follow_mode(self):
        """Return follow_mode Variable."""
        return Variable((), "not_set")

class _OdimH5NetCDFMetadata(_H5NetCDFMetadata):
    """Wrapper around OdimH5 data fileobj for easy access of metadata.

    fileobj : file-like
        h5netcdf filehandle.
    group : str
        odim group to acquire

    object : metadata object

    def ds_what(self):
        return self._get_dset_what()

    def grp(self):
        return self._root[self._group.split("/")[0]]

    def _get_fixed_dim_and_angle(self):
        return _get_fixed_dim_and_angle(self.where)

    def _get_ray_times(self, nrays=None):
            time_data = _get_time_how(
            self._need_time_recalc = False
        except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
            time_data = _get_time_what(self.what, self.where, nrays)
            self._need_time_recalc = True
        return time_data

    def _get_range(self):
        return _get_range(self.where, odim_version=self._odim_version)

    def _get_time(self, point="start"):
        return _get_time(self.what, point=point)

    def _get_dset_what(self):
        attrs = {}
        what = self._root[self._group]["what"].attrs
        gain = what.get("gain", 1.0)
        offset = what.get("offset", 0.0)
        if not (gain == 1.0 and offset == 0.0):
            attrs["scale_factor"] = gain
            attrs["add_offset"] = offset
        attrs["_FillValue"] = what.get("nodata", None)
        attrs["_Undetect"] = what.get("undetect", 0.0)
        # if no quantity is given, use the group-name
        attrs["quantity"] = _maybe_decode(
            what.get("quantity", self._group.split("/")[-1])
        return attrs

    def a1gate(self):
        return _get_a1gate(self.where)

    def _azimuth(self):
            azimuth = _get_azimuth_how(
        except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
            azimuth = _get_azimuth_where(self.where)
        return Variable((self.dim0,), azimuth, get_azimuth_attrs())

    def _elevation(self):
            elevation = _get_elevation_how(
        except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
            elevation = _get_elevation_where(self.where)
        return Variable((self.dim0,), elevation, get_elevation_attrs())

    def _time(self):
        return Variable((self.dim0,), self._get_ray_times(), get_time_attrs())

    def _sweep_number(self):
        """Return sweep number."""
        return int(self._group.split("/")[0][7:]) - 1

    def _odim_version(self):
        return self._get_odim_version()

class H5NetCDFArrayWrapper(BackendArray):

    adapted from

    __slots__ = ("datastore", "dtype", "shape", "variable_name")

    def __init__(self, variable_name, datastore):
        self.datastore = datastore
        self.variable_name = variable_name

        array = self.get_array()
        self.shape = array.shape

        dtype = array.dtype
        if dtype is str:
            # use object dtype because that's the only way in numpy to
            # represent variable length strings; it also prevents automatic
            # string concatenation via conventions.decode_cf_variable
            dtype = np.dtype("O")
        self.dtype = dtype

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        with self.datastore.lock:
            data = self.get_array(needs_lock=False)
            data[key] = value
            if self.datastore.autoclose:

    def get_array(self, needs_lock=True):
        ds = self.datastore._acquire(needs_lock)
        return ds.variables[self.variable_name]

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return indexing.explicit_indexing_adapter(
            key, self.shape, indexing.IndexingSupport.OUTER_1VECTOR, self._getitem

    def _getitem(self, key):
        # h5py requires using lists for fancy indexing:
        key = tuple(list(k) if isinstance(k, np.ndarray) else k for k in key)
        with self.datastore.lock:
            array = self.get_array(needs_lock=False)
            return array[key]

def _get_h5netcdf_encoding(self, var):
    """get encoding from h5netcdf Variable

    adapted from
    import h5py

    # netCDF4 specific encoding
    encoding = {
        "chunksizes": var.chunks,
        "fletcher32": var.fletcher32,
        "shuffle": var.shuffle,

    # Convert h5py-style compression options to NetCDF4-Python
    # style, if possible
    if var.compression == "gzip":
        encoding["zlib"] = True
        encoding["complevel"] = var.compression_opts
    elif var.compression is not None:
        encoding["compression"] = var.compression
        encoding["compression_opts"] = var.compression_opts

    # save source so __repr__ can detect if it's local or not
    encoding["source"] = self._filename
    encoding["original_shape"] = var.shape

    vlen_dtype = h5py.check_dtype(vlen=var.dtype)
    if vlen_dtype is str:
        encoding["dtype"] = str
    # todo: this might be removed, since xarray is capable from version 2023.X.Y
    elif vlen_dtype is not None:  # pragma: no cover
        # xarray doesn't support writing arbitrary vlen dtypes yet.
        encoding["dtype"] = var.dtype
    return encoding

def _get_odim_variable_name_and_attrs(name, attrs):
    if "data" in name:
        name = attrs.pop("quantity")
        # handle non-standard moment names
            mapping = sweep_vars_mapping[name]
        except KeyError:
            attrs.update({key: mapping[key] for key in moment_attrs})
        attrs["coordinates"] = (
            "elevation azimuth range latitude longitude altitude time"
    return name, attrs

class OdimSubStore(AbstractDataStore):
    """Store for reading ODIM data-moments via h5netcdf."""

    def __init__(
        if not isinstance(store, OdimStore):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Wrong type {type(store)} for parameter store, "
                f"expected 'OdimStore'."

        self._manager = store._manager
        self._group = group
        self._filename = store.filename
        self.is_remote = is_remote_uri(self._filename)
        self.lock = ensure_lock(lock)

    def root(self):
        with self._manager.acquire_context(False) as root:
            return _OdimH5NetCDFMetadata(root, self._group.lstrip("/"))

    def _acquire(self, needs_lock=True):
        with self._manager.acquire_context(needs_lock) as root:
            ds = root[self._group.lstrip("/")]
        return ds

    def ds(self):
        return self._acquire()

    def open_store_variable(self, name, var):
        dimensions = self.root.get_variable_dimensions(var.dimensions)
        data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(H5NetCDFArrayWrapper(name, self))
        encoding = _get_h5netcdf_encoding(self, var)
        encoding["group"] = self._group
        name, attrs = _get_odim_variable_name_and_attrs(name, self.root.ds_what)

        return name, Variable(dimensions, data, attrs, encoding)

    def open_store_coordinates(self):
        return self.root.coordinates

    def get_variables(self):
        return FrozenDict(
            (k1, v1)
            for k1, v1 in {
                        self.open_store_variable(k, v)
                        for k, v in self.ds.variables.items()

class OdimStore(AbstractDataStore):
    """Store for reading ODIM dataset groups via h5netcdf."""

    def __init__(self, manager, group=None, lock=False):
        if isinstance(manager, (h5netcdf.File, h5netcdf.Group)):
            if group is None:
                root, group = find_root_and_group(manager)
                if type(manager) is not h5netcdf.File:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "must supply a h5netcdf.File if the group "
                        "argument is provided"
                root = manager
            manager = DummyFileManager(root)

        self._manager = manager
        self._group = f"/dataset{int(group[6:])+1}"
        self._filename = self.filename
        self.is_remote = is_remote_uri(self._filename)
        self.lock = ensure_lock(lock)
        self._substore = None
        self._need_time_recalc = False

    def open(
        if isinstance(filename, bytes):
            raise ValueError(
                "can't open netCDF4/HDF5 as bytes "
                "try passing a path or file-like object"

        if format not in [None, "NETCDF4"]:
            raise ValueError("invalid format for h5netcdf backend")

        kwargs = {"invalid_netcdf": invalid_netcdf}
        if phony_dims is not None:
            kwargs["phony_dims"] = phony_dims
        kwargs["decode_vlen_strings"] = decode_vlen_strings

        if lock is None:
            if util.has_import("dask"):
                lock = HDF5_LOCK
                lock = False

        manager = CachingFileManager(h5netcdf.File, filename, mode=mode, kwargs=kwargs)
        return cls(manager, group=group, lock=lock)

    def filename(self):
        with self._manager.acquire_context(False) as root:
            return root.filename

    def substore(self):
        if self._substore is None:
            with self._manager.acquire_context(False) as root:
                subgroups = [
                    "/".join([self._group, k])
                    for k in root[self._group].groups
                    # get data and quality groups
                    if "data" or "quality" in k
                substore = []
                        for group in subgroups
                self._substore = substore

        return self._substore

    def open_store_coordinates(self):
        return self.substore[0].open_store_coordinates()

    def get_variables(self):
        return FrozenDict(
            (k1, v1)
            for k1, v1 in {
                    k: v
                    for substore in self.substore
                    for k, v in substore.get_variables().items()

    def get_attrs(self):
        attributes = {"Conventions": "ODIM_H5/V2_2"}
        return FrozenDict(attributes)

[docs] class OdimBackendEntrypoint(BackendEntrypoint): """Xarray BackendEntrypoint for ODIM data. Keyword Arguments ----------------- first_dim : str Can be ``time`` or ``auto`` first dimension. If set to ``auto``, first dimension will be either ``azimuth`` or ``elevation`` depending on type of sweep. Defaults to ``auto``. reindex_angle : bool or dict Defaults to False, no reindexing. Given dict should contain the kwargs to reindex_angle. Only invoked if `decode_coord=True`. fix_second_angle : bool If True, fixes erroneous second angle data. Defaults to ``False``. site_coords : bool Attach radar site-coordinates to Dataset, defaults to ``True``. kwargs : dict Additional kwargs are fed to :py:func:`xarray.open_dataset`. """ description = "Open ODIM_H5 (.h5, .hdf5) using h5netcdf in Xarray" url = "" def open_dataset( self, filename_or_obj, *, mask_and_scale=True, decode_times=True, concat_characters=True, decode_coords=True, drop_variables=None, use_cftime=None, decode_timedelta=None, format=None, group="sweep_0", invalid_netcdf=None, phony_dims="access", decode_vlen_strings=True, first_dim="auto", reindex_angle=False, fix_second_angle=False, site_coords=True, ): if isinstance(filename_or_obj, io.IOBase): store = filename_or_obj, format=format, group=group, invalid_netcdf=invalid_netcdf, phony_dims=phony_dims, decode_vlen_strings=decode_vlen_strings, ) store_entrypoint = StoreBackendEntrypoint() ds = store_entrypoint.open_dataset( store, mask_and_scale=mask_and_scale, decode_times=decode_times, concat_characters=concat_characters, decode_coords=decode_coords, drop_variables=drop_variables, use_cftime=use_cftime, decode_timedelta=decode_timedelta, ) # reassign azimuth/elevation/time coordinates ds = ds.assign_coords({"azimuth": ds.azimuth}) ds = ds.assign_coords({"elevation": ds.elevation}) ds = ds.assign_coords({"time": ds.time}) ds.encoding["engine"] = "odim" # handle duplicates and reindex if decode_coords and reindex_angle is not False: ds = ds.pipe(util.remove_duplicate_rays) ds = ds.pipe(util.reindex_angle, **reindex_angle) ds = ds.pipe(util.ipol_time, **reindex_angle) # handling first dimension dim0 = "elevation" if ds.sweep_mode.load() == "rhi" else "azimuth" if first_dim == "auto": if "time" in ds.dims: ds = ds.swap_dims({"time": dim0}) ds = ds.sortby(dim0) else: if "time" not in ds.dims: ds = ds.swap_dims({dim0: "time"}) ds = ds.sortby("time") # fix second angle if fix_second_angle and first_dim == "auto": dim1 = {"azimuth": "elevation", "elevation": "azimuth"}[dim0] ds = ds.assign_coords({dim1: ds[dim1].pipe(_fix_angle)}) # assign geo-coords ds = ds.assign_coords( { "latitude": ds.latitude, "longitude": ds.longitude, "altitude": ds.altitude, } ) return ds
[docs] def open_odim_datatree(filename_or_obj, **kwargs): """Open ODIM_H5 dataset as :py:class:`xarray.DataTree`. Parameters ---------- filename_or_obj : str, Path, file-like or DataStore Strings and Path objects are interpreted as a path to a local or remote radar file Keyword Arguments ----------------- sweep : int, list of int, optional Sweep number(s) to extract, default to first sweep. If None, all sweeps are extracted into a list. first_dim : str Can be ``time`` or ``auto`` first dimension. If set to ``auto``, first dimension will be either ``azimuth`` or ``elevation`` depending on type of sweep. Defaults to ``auto``. reindex_angle : bool or dict Defaults to False, no reindexing. Given dict should contain the kwargs to reindex_angle. Only invoked if `decode_coord=True`. fix_second_angle : bool If True, fixes erroneous second angle data. Defaults to ``False``. site_coords : bool Attach radar site-coordinates to Dataset, defaults to ``True``. kwargs : dict Additional kwargs are fed to :py:func:`xarray.open_dataset`. Returns ------- dtree: xarray.DataTree DataTree """ # handle kwargs, extract first_dim backend_kwargs = kwargs.pop("backend_kwargs", {}) optional = backend_kwargs.pop("optional", True) sweep = kwargs.pop("sweep", None) sweeps = [] kwargs["backend_kwargs"] = backend_kwargs if isinstance(sweep, str): sweeps = [sweep] elif isinstance(sweep, int): sweeps = [f"sweep_{sweep}"] elif isinstance(sweep, list): if isinstance(sweep[0], int): sweeps = [f"sweep_{i+1}" for i in sweep] else: sweeps.extend(sweep) else: sweeps = _get_h5group_names(filename_or_obj, "odim") ls_ds: list[xr.Dataset] = [ xr.open_dataset(filename_or_obj, group=swp, engine="odim", **kwargs) for swp in sweeps ] # todo: apply CfRadial2 group structure below dtree: dict = { "/": _get_required_root_dataset(ls_ds, optional=optional), "/radar_parameters": _get_subgroup(ls_ds, radar_parameters_subgroup), "/georeferencing_correction": _get_subgroup( ls_ds, georeferencing_correction_subgroup ), "/radar_calibration": _get_radar_calibration(ls_ds, radar_calibration_subgroup), } dtree = _attach_sweep_groups(dtree, ls_ds) return DataTree.from_dict(dtree)