#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, openradar developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more info.
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
__all__ = ["antenna_to_cartesian", "get_x_y_z", "get_x_y_z_tree"]
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n ".join(__all__))
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from .projection import add_crs, get_crs, get_earth_radius
def antenna_to_cartesian(
"""Return Cartesian coordinates from antenna coordinates.
ranges : array-like
Distances to the center of the radar gates (bins) in meters.
azimuths : array-like
Azimuth angle of the radar in degrees.
elevations : array-like
Elevation angle of the radar in degrees.
earth_radius: float
Radius of the earth (default is 6371000 m).
effective_radius_fraction: float
Fraction of earth to use for the effective radius (default is 4/3).
site_altitude: float
Altitude amsl of radar site
x, y, z : array
Cartesian coordinates in meters from the radar.
The calculation for Cartesian coordinate is adapted from equations
2.28(b) and 2.28(c) of Doviak and Zrnić [1]_ assuming a
standard atmosphere (4/3 Earth's radius model).
.. math::
z = \\sqrt{r^2+R^2+2*r*R*sin(\\theta_e)} - R
s = R * arcsin(\\frac{r*cos(\\theta_e)}{R+z})
x = s * sin(\\theta_a)
y = s * cos(\\theta_a)
Where r is the distance from the radar to the center of the gate,
:math:`\\theta_a` is the azimuth angle, :math:`\\theta_e` is the
elevation angle, s is the arc length, and R is the effective radius
of the earth, taken to be 4/3 the mean radius of earth (6371 km).
.. [1] Doviak and Zrnić, Doppler Radar and Weather Observations, Second
Edition, 1993, p. 21.
if effective_radius_fraction is None:
effective_radius_fraction = 4.0 / 3.0
# Convert the elevation angle from degrees to radians
theta_e = np.deg2rad(elevations)
theta_a = np.deg2rad(azimuths) # azimuth angle in radians.
R = earth_radius * effective_radius_fraction # effective radius of earth in meters.
r = ranges # distances to gates in meters.
# take site altitude into account
sr = R + site_altitude
z = (2.0 * np.sin(theta_e) * r * sr + r**2 + sr**2) ** 0.5 - R
s = R * np.arcsin(r * np.cos(theta_e) / (R + z)) # arc length in m.
x = np.sin(theta_a) * s
y = np.cos(theta_a) * s
return x, y, z
def get_x_y_z(ds, earth_radius=None, effective_radius_fraction=None):
Return Cartesian coordinates from antenna coordinates.
ds: xarray.Dataset
Xarray dataset containing range, azimuth, and elevation
earth_radius: float
Radius of the earth. Defaults to a latitude-dependent radius derived from
WGS84 ellipsoid.
effective_radius_fraction: float
Fraction of earth to use for the effective radius (default is 4/3).
ds : xarray.Dataset
Dataset including x, y, and z as coordinates.
The calculation for Cartesian coordinate is adapted from equations
2.28(b) and 2.28(c) of Doviak and Zrnić [1]_ assuming a
standard atmosphere (4/3 Earth's radius model).
.. math::
z = \\sqrt{r^2+R^2+2*r*R*sin(\\theta_e)} - R
s = R * arcsin(\\frac{r*cos(\\theta_e)}{R+z})
x = s * sin(\\theta_a)
y = s * cos(\\theta_a)
Where r is the distance from the radar to the center of the gate,
:math:`\\theta_a` is the azimuth angle, :math:`\\theta_e` is the
elevation angle, s is the arc length, and R is the effective radius
of the earth, taken to be 4/3 the mean radius of earth (6371 km).
.. [1] Doviak and Zrnić, Doppler Radar and Weather Observations, Second
Edition, 1993, p. 21.
if earth_radius is None:
crs = get_crs(ds)
earth_radius = get_earth_radius(crs, ds.latitude.values)
ds = ds.pipe(add_crs, crs)
# Calculate x, y, and z from the dataset
ds["x"], ds["y"], ds["z"] = antenna_to_cartesian(
# Set the attributes for the dataset
# todo: possible utilize crs.cs_to_cf() for x/y
ds.x.attrs = {"standard_name": "east_west_distance_from_radar", "units": "meters"}
ds.y.attrs = {"standard_name": "north_south_distance_from_radar", "units": "meters"}
ds.z.attrs = {"standard_name": "height_above_ground", "units": "meters"}
# Make sure the coordinates are set properly if it is a dataset
if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset):
ds = ds.set_coords(["x", "y", "z"])
return ds
def get_x_y_z_tree(radar, earth_radius=None, effective_radius_fraction=None):
Applies the georeferencing to a xradar datatree
radar: xarray.DataTree
Xradar datatree object with radar information.
earth_radius: float
Radius of the earth. Defaults to a latitude-dependent radius derived from
WGS84 ellipsoid.
effective_radius_fraction: float
Fraction of earth to use for the effective radius (default is 4/3).
radar: xarray.DataTree
Datatree with sweep datasets including georeferenced coordinates
for key in list(radar.children):
if "sweep" in key:
radar[key].ds = get_x_y_z(
return radar