Source code for xradar.model

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, openradar developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more info.

XRadar Data Model

The data model for the different xradar DataArrays, Datasets and DataTrees is based on NetCDF4/CfRadial2.1.
It will be aligned to the upcoming WMO standard FM301.

This module contains several helper functions to create minimal DataArrays and Datasets, as well as Datatrees.

Must read:

    * `CfRadial`_.
    * `WMO CF extensions`_.
    * `OPERA/ODIM_H5`_.

Code ported from wradlib.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


__all__ = [

__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import numpy as np
from xarray import DataArray, Dataset, decode_cf

# This is a temporary setup, since CfRadial2.1 and FM301 are not yet finalized.
# Todo: adhere to standards when they are published

#: required global attributes (root-group)
required_global_attrs = dict(
        ("Conventions", "Cf/Radial"),
        ("version", "Cf/Radial version number"),
        ("title", "short description of file contents"),
        ("instrument_name", "nameThe  of radar or lidar"),
        ("institution", "where the original data were produced"),
            "references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it",
        ("source", "method of production of the original data"),
        ("history", "list of modifications to the original data"),
        ("comment", "miscellaneous information"),
        ("platform_is_mobile", "'true' or 'false', assumed 'false' if missing"),

#: optional global attributes (root-group)
optional_root_attrs = dict(
        ("site_name", "name of site where data were gathered"),
        ("scan_name", "name of scan strategy used, if applicable"),
        ("scan_id", "scan strategy id, if applicable. assumed 0 if missing"),
                "'true' or 'false', assumed 'true' if missing. "
                "This is set to true if ray times increase monotonically "
                "throughout all of the sweeps in the volume."
                "'true' or 'false', assumed 'false' if missing. "
                "data in this file are simulated"

#: required global variables (root-group)
required_root_vars = {

#: optional global attributes (root-group)
optional_root_vars = dict(
        ("platform_type", None),
        ("instrument_type", None),
        ("primary_axis", None),
        ("altitude_agl", None),
        ("frequency", None),  # cfradial 2.0
        ("status_str", None),  # cfrdadial 2.1
        ("status_xml", "status_str"),  # cfradial 2.0

#: sweep-group coordinate variables
sweep_coordinate_vars = {

#: required sweep-group metadata variables
required_sweep_metadata_vars = {

#: optional sweep-group metadata variables
optional_sweep_metadata_vars = {

#: sweep dataset variable names
sweep_dataset_vars = {

#: non-standard sweep dataset variable names
non_standard_sweep_dataset_vars = {

# root metadata groups
#: radar_parameters subgroup
radar_parameters_subgroup = dict(
        ("radar_antenna_gain_h", None),
        ("radar_antenna_gain_v", None),
        ("radar_beam_width_h", None),
        ("radar_beam_width_v", None),
        ("half_power_beam_width_h", "radar_beam_width_h"),
        ("half_power_beam_width_v", "radar_beam_width_v"),
        ("radar_receiver_bandwidth", None),  # cfradial2.1
        ("radar_rx_bandwidth", "radar_receiver_bandwidth"),  # cfradial1.X

#: radar_calibration subgroup
radar_calibration_subgroup = dict(
        ("calib_index", None),
        ("time", None),
        ("pulse_width", None),
        ("antenna_gain_h", None),
        ("antenna_gain_v", None),
        ("ant_gain_h", "antenna_gain_h"),  # gamic
        ("ant_gain_v", "antenna_gain_v"),  # gamic
        ("xmit_power_h", None),
        ("xmit_power_v", None),
        ("tx_power_h", "xmit_power_h"),
        ("tx_power_v", "xmit_power_v"),
        ("two_way_waveguide_loss_h", None),
        ("two_way_waveguide_loss_v", None),
        ("two_way_radome_loss_h", None),
        ("two_way_radome_loss_v", None),
        ("receiver_mismatch_loss", None),
        ("receiver_mismatch_loss_h", None),
        ("receiver_mismatch_loss_v", None),
        ("rx_loss_h", "receiver_mismatch_loss_h"),
        ("rx_loss_v", "receiver_mismatch_loss_v"),
        ("radar_constant_h", None),
        ("radar_constant_v", None),
        ("probert_jones_correction", None),
        ("dielectric_factor_used", None),
        ("noise_hc", None),
        ("noise_vc", None),
        ("noise_hx", None),
        ("noise_vx", None),
        ("receiver_gain_hc", None),
        ("receiver_gain_vc", None),
        ("receiver_gain_hx", None),
        ("receiver_gain_vx", None),
        ("base_1km_hc", None),
        ("base_dbz_1km_hc", "base_1km_hc"),  # cfradial1
        ("base_1km_vc", None),
        ("base_dbz_1km_vc", "base_1km_vc"),  # cfradial1
        ("base_1km_hx", None),
        ("base_dbz_1km_hx", "base_1km_hx"),  # cfradial1
        ("base_1km_vx", None),
        ("base_dbz_1km_vx", "base_1km_vx"),  # cfradial1
        ("sun_power_hc", None),
        ("sun_power_vc", None),
        ("sun_power_hx", None),
        ("sun_power_vx", None),
        ("noise_source_power_h", None),
        ("noise_source_power_v", None),
        ("noise_power_short_pulse_h", "noise_source_power_h"),
        ("noise_power_short_pulse_v", "noise_source_power_v"),
        ("noise_power_h", "noise_source_power_h"),  # Gamic
        ("noise_power_v", "noise_source_power_v"),
        ("power_measure_loss_h", None),
        ("power_measure_loss_v", None),
        ("coupler_forward_loss_h", None),
        ("coupler_forward_loss_v", None),
        ("zdr_correction", None),
        ("ldr_correction_h", None),
        ("ldr_correction_v", None),
        ("system_phidp", None),
        ("test_power_h", None),
        ("test_power_v", None),
        ("receiver_slope_hc", None),
        ("receiver_slope_vc", None),
        ("receiver_slope_hx", None),
        ("receiver_slope_vx", None),
        ("k_squared_water", None),
        ("i0_dbm_hc", None),
        ("i0_dbm_vc", None),
        ("i0_dbm_hx", None),
        ("i0_dbm_vx", None),
        ("dynamic_range_db_hc", None),
        ("dynamic_range_db_vc", None),
        ("dynamic_range_db_hx", None),
        ("dynamic_range_db_vx", None),
        ("dbz_correction", None),

#: georeferencing_correction subgroup
georeferencing_correction_subgroup = dict(
        ("azimuth_correction", None),
        ("elevation_correction", None),
        ("range_correction", None),
        ("longitude_correction", None),
        ("latitude_correction", None),
        ("pressure_altitude_correction", None),
        ("altitude_correction", "radar_altitude_correction"),  # cfradial1
        ("radar_altitude_correction", None),
        ),  # cfradial1
        ("eastward_ground_speed_correction", None),
        ),  # cfradial1
        ("northward_ground_speed_correction", None),
        ("vertical_velocity_correction", None),
        ("heading_correction", None),
        ("roll_correction", None),
        ("pitch_correction", None),
        ("drift_correction", None),
        ("rotation_correction", None),
        ("tilt_correction", None),

#: required range attributes
range_attrs = {
    "units": "meters",
    "standard_name": "projection_range_coordinate",
    "long_name": "range_to_measurement_volume",
    "axis": "radial_range_coordinate",
    "spacing_is_constant": "true",
    "meters_to_center_of_first_gate": "{}",
    "meters_between_gates": "{}",

#: required time attributes
time_attrs = {
    "standard_name": "time",
    "units": "seconds since {}",

#: required frequency attributes
frequency_attrs = {
    "standard_name": "",
    "units": "s-1",

#: required moment attributes
moment_attrs = {"standard_name", "long_name", "units"}

# todo: align this with sweep_dataset_vars
#: CfRadial 2.1 / FM301 / ODIM_H5 mapping
sweep_vars_mapping = {
    "DBZH": {
        "standard_name": "radar_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_h",
        "long_name": "Equivalent reflectivity factor H",
        "short_name": "DBZH",
        "units": "dBZ",
    "DBZH_CLEAN": {
        "standard_name": "radar_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_h",
        "long_name": "Equivalent reflectivity factor H",
        "short_name": "DBZH_CLEAN",
        "units": "dBZ",
    "DBZV": {
        "standard_name": "radar_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_v",
        "long_name": "Equivalent reflectivity factor V",
        "short_name": "DBZV",
        "units": "dBZ",
    "ZH": {
        "standard_name": "radar_linear_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_h",
        "long_name": "Linear equivalent reflectivity factor H",
        "short_name": "ZH",
        "units": "unitless",
    "ZV": {
        "standard_name": "radar_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_v",
        "long_name": "Linear equivalent reflectivity factor V",
        "short_name": "ZV",
        "units": "unitless",
    "DBZ": {
        "standard_name": "radar_equivalent_reflectivity_factor",
        "long_name": "Equivalent reflectivity factor",
        "short_name": "DBZ",
        "units": "dBZ",
    "DBTH": {
        "standard_name": "radar_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_h",
        "long_name": "Total power H (uncorrected reflectivity)",
        "short_name": "DBTH",
        "units": "dBZ",
    "DBTV": {
        "standard_name": "radar_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_v",
        "long_name": "Total power V (uncorrected reflectivity)",
        "short_name": "DBTV",
        "units": "dBZ",
    "TH": {
        "standard_name": "radar_linear_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_h",
        "long_name": "Linear total power H (uncorrected reflectivity)",
        "short_name": "TH",
        "units": "unitless",
    "TV": {
        "standard_name": "radar_linear_equivalent_reflectivity_factor_v",
        "long_name": "Linear total power V (uncorrected reflectivity)",
        "short_name": "TV",
        "units": "unitless",
    "VRADH": {
        "standard_name": "radial_velocity_of_scatterers_away_from_instrument_h",
        "long_name": "Radial velocity of scatterers away from instrument H",
        "short_name": "VRADH",
        "units": "meters per seconds",
    "VRADV": {
        "standard_name": "radial_velocity_of_scatterers_away_from_instrument_v",
        "long_name": "Radial velocity of scatterers away from instrument V",
        "short_name": "VRADV",
        "units": "meters per second",
    "VR": {
        "standard_name": "radial_velocity_of_scatterers_away_from_instrument",
        "long_name": "Radial velocity of scatterers away from instrument",
        "short_name": "VR",
        "units": "meters per seconds",
    "VRAD": {
        "standard_name": "radial_velocity_of_scatterers_away_from_instrument",
        "long_name": "Radial velocity of scatterers away from instrument",
        "short_name": "VRAD",
        "units": "meters per seconds",
    "VRADDH": {
        "standard_name": "radial_velocity_of_scatterers_away_from_instrument_h",
        "long_name": "Radial velocity of scatterers away from instrument H",
        "short_name": "VRADDH",
        "units": "meters per seconds",
    "WRADH": {
        "standard_name": "radar_doppler_spectrum_width_h",
        "long_name": "Doppler spectrum width H",
        "short_name": "WRADH",
        "units": "meters per seconds",
    "UWRADH": {
        "standard_name": "radar_doppler_spectrum_width_h",
        "long_name": "Doppler spectrum width H",
        "short_name": "UWRADH",
        "units": "meters per seconds",
    "WRADV": {
        "standard_name": "radar_doppler_spectrum_width_v",
        "long_name": "Doppler spectrum width V",
        "short_name": "WRADV",
        "units": "meters per second",
    "WRAD": {
        "standard_name": "radar_doppler_spectrum_width",
        "long_name": "Doppler spectrum width",
        "short_name": "WRAD",
        "units": "meters per second",
    "ZDR": {
        "standard_name": "radar_differential_reflectivity_hv",
        "long_name": "Log differential reflectivity H/V",
        "short_name": "ZDR",
        "units": "dB",
    "UZDR": {
        "standard_name": "radar_differential_reflectivity_hv",
        "long_name": "Log differential reflectivity H/V",
        "short_name": "UZDR",
        "units": "dB",
    "LDR": {
        "standard_name": "radar_linear_depolarization_ratio",
        "long_name": "Log-linear depolarization ratio HV",
        "short_name": "LDR",
        "units": "dB",
    "PHIDP": {
        "standard_name": "radar_differential_phase_hv",
        "long_name": "Differential phase HV",
        "short_name": "PHIDP",
        "units": "degrees",
    "UPHIDP": {
        "standard_name": "radar_differential_phase_hv",
        "long_name": "Differential phase HV",
        "short_name": "UPHIDP",
        "units": "degrees",
    "KDP": {
        "standard_name": "radar_specific_differential_phase_hv",
        "long_name": "Specific differential phase HV",
        "short_name": "KDP",
        "units": "degrees per kilometer",
    "RHOHV": {
        "standard_name": "radar_correlation_coefficient_hv",
        "long_name": "Correlation coefficient HV",
        "short_name": "RHOHV",
        "units": "unitless",
    "URHOHV": {
        "standard_name": "radar_correlation_coefficient_hv",
        "long_name": "Correlation coefficient HV",
        "short_name": "URHOHV",
        "units": "unitless",
    "SNRH": {
        "standard_name": "signal_noise_ratio_h",
        "long_name": "Signal Noise Ratio H",
        "short_name": "SNRH",
        "units": "unitless",
    "SNRV": {
        "standard_name": "signal_noise_ratio_v",
        "long_name": "Signal Noise Ratio V",
        "short_name": "SNRV",
        "units": "unitless",
    "SQIH": {
        "standard_name": "signal_quality_index_h",
        "long_name": "Signal Quality H",
        "short_name": "SQIH",
        "units": "unitless",
    "SQIV": {
        "standard_name": "signal_quality_index_v",
        "long_name": "Signal Quality V",
        "short_name": "SQIV",
        "units": "unitless",
    "CCORH": {
        "standard_name": "clutter_correction_h",
        "long_name": "Clutter Correction H",
        "short_name": "CCORH",
        "units": "unitless",
    "CCORV": {
        "standard_name": "clutter_correction_v",
        "long_name": "Clutter Correction V",
        "short_name": "CCORV",
        "units": "unitless",
    "CMAP": {
        "standard_name": "clutter_map",
        "long_name": "Clutter Map",
        "short_name": "CMAP",
        "units": "unitless",
    "RATE": {
        "standard_name": "rainfall_rate",
        "long_name": "rainfall_rate",
        "short_name": "RATE",
        "units": "mm h-1",

[docs] def get_longitude_attrs(): lon_attrs = { "long_name": "longitude", "units": "degrees_east", "standard_name": "longitude", } return lon_attrs
[docs] def get_latitude_attrs(): lat_attrs = { "long_name": "latitude", "units": "degrees_north", "positive": "up", "standard_name": "latitude", } return lat_attrs
[docs] def get_altitude_attrs(): alt_attrs = { "long_name": "altitude", "units": "meters", "standard_name": "altitude", } return alt_attrs
[docs] def get_range_attrs(rng=None): """Get Range CF attributes. Parameters ---------- rng : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array with range values. Returns ------- range_attrs : dict Dictionary with Range CF attributes. """ range_attrs = { "units": "meters", "standard_name": "projection_range_coordinate", "long_name": "range_to_measurement_volume", "axis": "radial_range_coordinate", } if rng is not None: diff = np.diff(rng) unique = np.unique(diff) if len(unique) == 1: spacing = "true" range_attrs["meters_between_gates"] = diff[0] else: spacing = "false" range_attrs["spacing_is_constant"] = spacing range_attrs["meters_to_center_of_first_gate"] = rng[0] return range_attrs
def _calculate_angle_res(dim): # need to sort dim first angle_diff = np.diff(sorted(dim)) angle_diff2 = np.abs(np.diff(angle_diff)) # only select angle_diff, where angle_diff2 is less than 0.1 deg # Todo: currently 0.05 is working in most cases # make this robust or parameterisable angle_diff_wanted = angle_diff[:-1][angle_diff2 < 0.05] return np.round(np.nanmean(angle_diff_wanted), decimals=2)
[docs] def get_azimuth_attrs(azi=None): """Get Azimuth CF attributes. Parameters ---------- azi : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array with azimuth values Returns ------- az_attrs : dict Dictionary with Azimuth CF attributes. """ az_attrs = { "standard_name": "ray_azimuth_angle", "long_name": "azimuth_angle_from_true_north", "units": "degrees", "axis": "radial_azimuth_coordinate", } if azi is not None: unique = len(np.unique(azi)) == 1 if not unique: a1gate = np.argsort(np.argsort(azi))[0] az_attrs["a1gate"] = a1gate angle_res = _calculate_angle_res(azi) az_attrs["angle_res"] = angle_res return az_attrs
[docs] def get_elevation_attrs(ele=None): """Get Elevation CF attributes. Parameters ---------- ele : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array with elevation values Returns ------- el_attrs : dict Dictionary with Elevation CF attributes. """ el_attrs = { "standard_name": "ray_elevation_angle", "long_name": "elevation_angle_from_horizontal_plane", "units": "degrees", "axis": "radial_elevation_coordinate", } return el_attrs
[docs] def get_time_attrs(date_str="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", date_unit="seconds"): time_attrs = { "standard_name": "time", "units": f"{date_unit} since {date_str}", } return time_attrs
[docs] def get_moment_attrs(moment): """Get Radar Moment CF attributes. Parameters ---------- moment : str String describing radar moment. Returns ------- moment_attrs : dict Dictionary with Radar Moment CF attributes. """ return sweep_vars_mapping[moment].copy()
[docs] def get_range_dataarray(rng, nbins=None): """Create Range DataArray. Parameters ---------- rng : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` range resolution or array with range values. nbins: int number of bins, must be passed if rng is provided as resolution Returns ------- rng_da : :class:`xarray:xarray.DataArray` Range DataArray. """ if np.isscalar(rng): res2 = rng / 2.0 rng = np.arange(res2, rng * nbins, rng) rng_da = DataArray(data=rng, dims=["range"]) rng_da.attrs.update(get_range_attrs(rng)) = "range" return rng_da
[docs] def get_azimuth_dataarray(azimuth, nrays=None, a1gate=0): """Create Azimuth DataArray. Parameters ---------- azimuth : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Azimuth resolution, fixed azimuth value or array with azimuth values. Keyword Arguments ----------------- nrays : int number of rays If int -> set all rays to same azimuth value. If None, given azimuth value is used as resolution. a1gate : int First measured ray. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- azi_da : :class:`xarray:xarray.DataArray` Azimuth DataArray. """ if np.isscalar(azimuth): if nrays is None: res2 = azimuth / 2.0 nrays = int(360 / azimuth) azimuth = np.linspace(res2, 360 - res2, nrays) else: azimuth = np.full(nrays, azimuth) azimuth = np.roll(azimuth, -a1gate) azi_da = DataArray(data=azimuth, dims=["time"]) azi_da.attrs.update(get_azimuth_attrs(azimuth)) = "azimuth" return azi_da
[docs] def get_elevation_dataarray(elevation, nrays=None): """Create Elevation DataArray. Parameters ---------- elevation : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` elevation resolution or array with elevation values. Keyword Arguments ----------------- nrays : int If int -> set all rays to same elevation value. If None, given elevation value is used as resolution. Returns ------- ele_da : :class:`xarray:xarray.DataArray` Elevation DataArray. """ if np.isscalar(elevation): if nrays is None: res2 = elevation / 2.0 nrays = int(90 / elevation) elevation = np.linspace(res2, 90 - res2, nrays) else: elevation = np.full(nrays, elevation) ele_da = DataArray(data=elevation, dims=["time"]) ele_da.attrs.update(get_elevation_attrs(elevation)) = "elevation" return ele_da
[docs] def get_time_dataarray(time, nrays, date_str): """Create Time DataArray. Parameters ---------- time : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` time resolution or array with time values ('seconds since'-notation). nrays : int number of rays date_str : str String with the form 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS' depicting the reference time. Returns ------- time_da : :class:`xarray:xarray.DataArray` Time DataArray. """ if np.isscalar(time): time = np.arange(0, nrays * time - time / 2, time) time_attrs = { "standard_name": "time", "units": f"seconds since {date_str}", } time_da = DataArray(data=time, dims=["time"]) time_da.attrs.update(time_attrs) = "time" return time_da
[docs] def get_sweep_dataarray(data, moment, fill=None): """Create Sweep Moment DataArray. Parameters ---------- data : tuple or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` tuple with shape of DataArray or 2d-array. moment : str String describing radar moment. Keyword Arguments ----------------- fill : float Fill Value for new created array. Only used if data is tuple. Returns ------- swp_da : :class:`xarray:xarray.DataArray` Sweep Moment DataArray. """ if isinstance(data, tuple): if fill is None: data = np.tile(np.arange(data[1]), (data[0], 1)) else: data = np.full(data, fill) swp_da = DataArray(data=data, dims=["time", "range"]) swp_da.attrs.update(get_moment_attrs(moment)) = moment return swp_da
[docs] def create_sweep_dataset(**kwargs): """Create Sweep Dataset with Coordinates. This function creates a simple Dataset with all needed coordinates. Radar moment variables can be assigned to this Dataset. Keyword Arguments ----------------- shape : tuple tuple with shape of DataArray time : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` time resolution or array with time values ('seconds since'-notation). date_str : str String with the form 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS' depicting the reference time. rng : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` range resolution or array with range values. azimuth : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` azimuth resolution or array with azimuth values. direction : int 1 - CW/UP, -1 CCW/DOWN a1gate : int First measured ray. Defaults to 0. Only used for PPI. elevation : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` elevation resolution or array with elevation values. sweep : str "PPI" or "RHI". Returns ------- swp_ds : :class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` Sweep Dataset. """ shape = kwargs.pop("shape", None) sweep = kwargs.pop("sweep", "PPI") # set default shape for nrays, nbins if shape is None: nbins = 1000 # default resolution/values (1deg azimuth, 1deg elevation) if sweep == "PPI": azimuth = kwargs.pop("azimuth", 1.0) elevation = kwargs.pop("elevation", 1.0) else: azimuth = kwargs.pop("azimuth", 1.0) elevation = kwargs.pop("elevation", 1.0) else: nbins = shape[1] azimuth = kwargs.pop("azimuth", None) elevation = kwargs.pop("elevation", None) if azimuth is not None and elevation is not None: raise ValueError( "Either `shape` or `azimuth` and `elevation` can be specified." ) if sweep == "PPI": if elevation is None: raise ValueError("elevation need to be specified for PPI sweep") if azimuth is not None: raise ValueError("given azimuth value will be ignored for PPI sweep") azimuth = 360 / shape[0] else: if azimuth is None: raise ValueError("azimuth need to be specified for RHI sweep") if elevation is not None: raise ValueError("given elevation value will be ignored for RHI sweep") elevation = 90 / shape[0] a1gate = kwargs.pop("a1gate", 0) time = kwargs.pop("time", 0.25) date_str = kwargs.pop("date_str", "2022-08-27T10:00:00") rng = kwargs.pop("rng", 100) direction = kwargs.pop("direction", 1) # calculate according to PPI/RHI if sweep == "PPI": azimuth = get_azimuth_dataarray(azimuth, nrays=None, a1gate=a1gate)[::direction] nrays = azimuth.shape[0] elevation = get_elevation_dataarray(elevation, nrays=nrays) else: elevation = get_elevation_dataarray(elevation, nrays=None) nrays = elevation.shape[0] azimuth = get_azimuth_dataarray(azimuth, nrays=nrays, a1gate=a1gate) # get time array using retrieved number of rays time = get_time_dataarray(time, nrays, date_str) rng = get_range_dataarray(rng, nbins) # get site coordinates, Locarno Monti, MeteoSwiss # trivia: the place where xradar was born in August 2022 altitude = 375 latitude = 46.172541 longitude = 8.7877271 ds = Dataset( coords=dict( time=time, range=rng, azimuth=azimuth, elevation=elevation, longitude=([], longitude, get_longitude_attrs()), latitude=([], latitude, get_latitude_attrs()), altitude=([], altitude, get_altitude_attrs()), ) ) return decode_cf(ds)
[docs] def determine_cfradial2_sweep_variables(obj, optional, dim0): # "calculate" variables to keep keep_vars = set() # mandatory coordinates keep_vars |= sweep_coordinate_vars # required metadata keep_vars |= required_sweep_metadata_vars # all moment fields # todo: strip off non-conforming # this also handles cfradial1 n_points layout keep_vars |= { k for k, v in obj.data_vars.items() if any(d in v.dims for d in ["range", "n_points"]) } # optional variables if optional: keep_vars |= {k for k, v in obj.data_vars.items() if dim0 in v.dims} return keep_vars
[docs] def conform_cfradial2_sweep_group(obj, optional, dim0=None): if dim0 is None: # handling first dimension dim0 = "elevation" if obj.sweep_mode.load().astype(str) == "rhi" else "azimuth" if dim0 not in obj.dims: dim0 = "time" assert dim0 in obj.dims keep_vars = determine_cfradial2_sweep_variables(obj, optional, dim0) # calculate variables to remove and remove them var = set(obj.data_vars) var |= set(obj.coords) remove_vars = var ^ keep_vars # only remove variables if in dataset remove_vars &= var out = obj.drop_vars(remove_vars) out.attrs = {} # swap dims, if needed if dim0 != "time" and dim0 in obj.dims: out = out.swap_dims({dim0: "time"}) # sort in any case out = out.sortby("time") return out