
The backends use different approaches to ingest the data.



The xarray backend CfRadial1BackendEntrypoint opens the file with xarray.backends.NetCDF4DataStore. From the xarray machinery a xarray.Dataset with the complete file content is returned. In a final step the wanted group (eg. sweep_0) is extracted and returned. Currently only mandatory data and metadata is provided. If needed the complete root group with all data and metadata can be returned.


With open_cfradial1_datatree() all groups (eg. sweeps_0 and root are extracted from the source file and added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.



The xarray backend OdimBackendEntrypoint opens the file with OdimStore. For the ODIM_H5 subgroups dataN and qualityN a OdimSubStore is implemented. Several private helper functions are used to conveniently access data and metadata. Finally, the xarray machinery returns a xarray.Dataset with wanted group (eg. dataset1). Depending on the used backend kwargs several more functions are applied on that xarray.Dataset.


With open_odim_datatree() all groups (eg. datasetN) are extracted. From that the root group is processed. Everything is finally added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.



The xarray backend GamicBackendEntrypoint opens the file with GamicStore. Several private helper functions are used to conveniently access data and metadata. Finally, the xarray machinery returns a xarray.Dataset with wanted group (eg. scan0). Depending on the used backend kwargs several more functions are applied on that xarray.Dataset.


With open_gamic_datatree() all groups (eg. scanN) are extracted. From that the root group is processed. Everything is finally added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.

Furuno SCN and SCNX#


The xarray backend FurunoBackendEntrypoint opens the file with FurunoStore. Furuno SCN and SCNX data files contain only one sweep group, so the group-keyword isn’t used. Several private helper functions are used to conveniently access data and metadata. Finally, the xarray machinery returns a xarray.Dataset with the sweep group.


With open_furuno_datatree() the single group is extracted. From that the root group is processed. Everything is finally added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.



The xarray backend RainbowBackendEntrypoint opens the file with RainbowStore. Several private helper functions are used to conveniently access data and metadata. Finally, the xarray machinery returns a xarray.Dataset with wanted group (eg. 0). Depending on the used backend kwargs several more functions are applied on that xarray.Dataset.


With open_rainbow_datatree() all groups (eg. 0) are extracted. From that the root group is processed. Everything is finally added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.



The xarray backend IrisBackendEntrypoint opens the file with IrisStore. Several private helper functions are used to conveniently access data and metadata. Finally, the xarray machinery returns a xarray.Dataset with wanted group (eg. 0). Depending on the used backend kwargs several more functions are applied on that xarray.Dataset.


With open_iris_datatree() all groups (eg. 1) are extracted. From that the root group is processed. Everything is finally added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.



The xarray backend NexradLevel2BackendEntryPoint opens the file with NexradLevel2Store. Several private helper functions are used to conveniently access data and metadata. Finally, the xarray machinery returns a xarray.Dataset with wanted group (eg. 0). Depending on the used backend kwargs several more functions are applied on that xarray.Dataset.


With open_nexradlevel2_datatree() all groups (eg. 1) are extracted. From that the root group is processed. Everything is finally added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.



The xarray backend DataMetBackendEntrypoint opens the file with DataMetStore. Several private helper functions are used to conveniently access data and metadata. Finally, the xarray machinery returns a xarray.Dataset with wanted group (eg. 0). Depending on the used backend kwargs several more functions are applied on that xarray.Dataset.


With open_nexradlevel2_datatree() all groups (eg. 1) are extracted. From that the root group is processed. Everything is finally added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.

Halo Photonics Lidar#


The xarray backend HPLBackendEntrypoint opens the file with HplStore. Several private helper functions are used to conveniently access data and metadata. Finally, the xarray machinery returns a xarray.Dataset with wanted group (eg. 0). Depending on the used backend kwargs several more functions are applied on that xarray.Dataset.


With open_hpl_datatree() all groups (eg. 1) are extracted. From that the root group is processed. Everything is finally added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.

Metek MRR2#


The xarray backend MRRBackendEntrypoint opens the file with MRR2DataStore. Several private helper functions are used to conveniently access data and metadata. Finally, the xarray machinery returns a xarray.Dataset with wanted group (eg. 0). Depending on the used backend kwargs several more functions are applied on that xarray.Dataset.


With open_metek_datatree() all groups (eg. 1) are extracted. From that the root group is processed. Everything is finally added as ParentNodes and ChildNodes to a xarray.DataTree.